Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Student success statement 2/20

Student Success Statement
“If you do what’s right, you have no need to fear”
Reflection: this is true because when you know you are doing something wrong, you start acting differently. You start acting suspicious. You start to panic or you just freak out acting out of plain fear. For example, you stole from a store. Your mom later questions the fact that you have 20 packs of gum hidden in your room. The natural instinct of the man is to flee, or run from the situation because deep in your mind you know you’re going to get caught. So you make up a stupid lie and you get caught. To summarize, you fear when you know you did wrong so just do what you know is good and it won’t get you into unnecessary trouble.

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens Habit 7

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 7
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
Teen should never get too busy living and taking time to renew them. When teens “sharpen the saw” they are keeping their personal self “sharp” so that they can better deal with life. It means regularly renewing and strengthening the four key dimensions of life- body, mind, heart, and soul.
1. Body. Eat wholesome foods, fruits, vegetables, legumes. Avoid illegal drugs, smoking, alcohol, tobacco products, tattooing. Exercise regularly and effectively. Get plenty of rest at night. Get to bed early at night and get up early each morning. “early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
2. Mind. Think positively. Read. Study. Think. Analyze. Seek to read a good book. Then each week. Ask intelligent questions. Observe. Develop you mind through positive “self-talk.”  
Choose The Right!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Student Success Statement 2/19

Student Success Statement:
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
                              -Helen Keller
Reflection: I think that people are more powerful. Being in a group can increase coverage over the problem or the situations they have. Being in a group is cool (: as long as it ain’t a gang because then it’s really bad 

7 habits of highly successful teens

7 Habits of Highly Successful Teens
Habit 6
Habit 6: synergize
Synergy is achieved when two or more people work together to create something better either could alone. Through this habit, teens learn it doesn’t have to be “your way” or “my way” but rather a better way, a higher way. Synergy allows teens to value differences and better appreciate others. Synergy is the reward, the delicious fruit you’ll taste as you get better at living the other habits, especially at thinking Win-Win and seeking first to understand. Learning to synergize is like learning to form a V formations with others instead of trying to fly through life solo. You’ll be amazed at how much faster and farther you’ll go. Synergy doesn’t just happen. It’s a process. You have to get there. And the foundation of getting there is this: Learn to celebrate differences.
A good band is a great example of a synergy. It’s not just the drums, or the guitar, or the sax, or the vocalist, it’s all of them together that make up the “sound”. Each band member brings his or her strengths to the table to create something better than each could alone. No instrument is more important than another, just different.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Student Success Statement 2/14

Student Success Statement
“So often, in our quest to be more popular and to be part of the “in-group,” we lose sight of things that are far more important”
              -Sean Covey
Reflection: this happens very commonly now in days. Everyone wants to be noticed, everyone wants to be recognized. And those people are willing to risk good friendships, family love, and themselves. Most of the time the “populars” are not very good people so once you start socializing with them you will not be the person you used to be. I think that risking all the good things in my life for some “peers” is not worth it.

Student Success Statement 1/28

Student success statement :

"the time is always right to do what is right"
-Martin Luther King Jr.

i  think that this quote is meant to be inspiring. its job is to let the people know its never to late to become a better person. at any time, you can change paths. its your decision, your choice. 

7 Habits of a Highly Successful Teen Habit 4

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens

Habits 4
4. Think Win-Win.
Teens can learn to foster the belief that it is possible to create an atmosphere of Win-Win in every relationship. This habit encourages the idea that in any given discussion or situation both parties can arrive at a mutually beneficial solution. Your teen will learn to celebrate the accomplishment of others instead of being threatened by them. Win-Win is a belief that everyone can win. It’s both nice and tough all at once. I won’t step on you, but I won’t be your doormat either. You care about other people and you want them to succeed. But you also care about yourself, and you want to succeed as well. Win-Win is abundant. It Is the belief that there’s plenty of success to go around. It’s not either you or me. It’s both of us. It’s not a matter of who gets the biggest piece of the pie. There’s more than enough food for everyone. It’s an all-you-can-eat buffet. Win-win always creates more. Perhaps the most surprising benefit of thinking Win-win is the good feeling it brings on. The true test of the alternative is how you feel. Win-lose and lose-win thinking will cloud you judgment and fill you with negative feelings. Win-Win will fill your heart with happy and serene thoughts. It will give you confidence. Even fill you with light. Think Win-Win or no deal.